+5 votes
in Venting by

So, guys...

This is NOT to stir any fights and I will not tolerate any arguments about this because I am speaking the truth.

Being gay is not a sin. Being apart of the community is not a sin. ​​​​​There is no reason why being gay is a sin, except for the fact that the people who created the bible were homophobic, sexist, racist white men. It is not wrong to love anybody that you want to love.

Christians should not feel like they have to fight the LGBTQ+ people, and they should not threaten them to not spread it, because it is a sin to do THAT, than to be gay. LGBTQ+ people are not here to be tormented, they are here to be loved and supported, just like YOU AND ME.

It will never make them inferior or "different" and it will never make them a sinner.

So, stop saying that it is a sin. It never was, never will be, never can be, etc. It infuriates me to see that Christians on here are saying that they don't support it because they feel it is a sin.




 I just wanted to make this very clear. Someone had to say it. And again, this is not, will NEVER BE, A debate or a source to argue about. It's the truth. The inhumanity to say that loving a person is a sin is... It's just that. Inhumane.

If God was real, and the bible knew what it was talking about, it wouldn't say anything about gay being sinning. 

Anyways, I hope you guys don't take offense to this (Christians) and I hope you guys don't want to not be friends with me.

Okay, I got that cleared out of my system.

by (264k points)
Omg my entire post didn't post -_- XDXD
My answer has yet do be approved. KS ? What's taking so long ?!

It's been 2 days
by (165k points)
That's weird! When KT doesn't post something, they tell you right?
by (264k points)
by (528k points)
Omg it can take that long?!??
by (348k points)
It did not meet our approval guidelines and is being sent for a second review and edit.
by (957k points)
Only mine and an unregistered user’s answers got approved. Yikes.
by (165k points)
r ya'll swearing or something?
by (957k points)
I don’t know!
by (528k points)
@CheerlessCheerleader do yo mean an answer or a post related to the post?

Cause I don't see a post related to this...
by (264k points)

An answer!! And I think it's 'cause I  refreshed the page and it deleted it... a-^^

by (957k points)
by (264k points)
Yeahhhh... XDXD
by (528k points)
by (165k points)
by (957k points)
Can’t we just assume KS declined them?
by (165k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
by (957k points)
Oh look, nobodyimportant just uninstalled Google’s adware! Perfect!
by (528k points)

No offense, but what does that mean?
by (957k points)
Adware is malware that installs a bunch of pop-ups on your computer.
by (528k points)
Okay, no offense again, but what was the joke supposed to mean?
by (957k points)
Now I don’t know why I wrote the joke.
by (147k points)
Next NobodyImportant has to uninstall adware on www.EloquentPeople.com
by (528k points)
+1 vote

Loving someone is not a sin, and there is proof that the part of the bible that says it is, is either misinterpreted or (in the KJ version of the Bible) purposely changed because of the pastor's own beliefs (hundreds of years ago)

If religion wasn't an answer (which it still shouldn't) there would be no "acceptable" reason to hate lgbt (even though religion isn't a good reason)

Besides (this is directed towards American Conservatives), you can't use your religion to make laws. Not everyone is the same religion.

As one very smart lady once said "I don’t care if you’re Christian. In fact, I will fight for you to have your religious liberty and practice your Christianity. I believe in that. I don’t believe in Christianity, which means that you do not get to dictate the way I live my life based on your religion. I don’t care what the Bible says. You have every right in the world. But they do not have the right to dictate my life and what I decide to do with my body. I don’t care about your religion. I’m so tired of having non-stop conversations about what the Bible says. You live your life in the way that you interpret the Bible. Again, I don’t care. But you don’t get to take the Bible and tell me well the Bible says this in this chapter in this verse. I don’t care."

I know all Christians aren't like this (so don't comment about that), but many are. Seriously guys, stop making laws to make everyone follow rules from your Bible. Especially ones about gay rights/reproductive rights.
by (528k points)

Thank you.

I was kinda scared I would lose all friends I've made here.

I'm really glad someone here actually agrees with this ​​​​​​and doesn't start saying, 

"Well, I don't agree because of (basically what they've been told)."

Again, thank you.

by (264k points)

What about the fact that it is not anatomically right?? Might that be a factor?? To being wrong without religion?? 

Just sayin' download

by (528k points)
I see where you're coming from, but if someone spiritually feels attracted to the same gender or no gender or both genders or whatever, than that's what they need to do. Technically if you're straight or not, we are all apart of the community.
by (147k points)
Please keep politics out of this.
Cheerless, it kinda is...

(I wouldn't blame you for not knowing how it works)

Besides, there are tons of straight couples that never have kids/make children. So, it wouldn't really matter?????

Love is love, it's not all about reproducing. Besides we need someone to adopt all the children after roe v. wade was over turned.
by (264k points)
Politics?? Girl, it's SCIENCE XD
by (264k points)

Okay, so, if I don't know how that's political, then tell me. I'm not the one making it about politics, I was merely making a scientific statement. And if this is political, how are the other posts not, and why am I the only one being picked on?? XD  

Is saying legs are for walking and running a political statement?? No. Neither is saying that LQBTQ+ is anatomically correct. I can see where LGBTQ+ is the political part, but just because I added a fact on top of it, that's really all. 

Okay, NOW it's going to get a little political XD 

Sure, there are a TON of female/male couples that don't choose to have children. There are several, however, that cannot because of infertility on either side (which is very sad). And that last part, is a problem, so it does matter. You forgot to consider the other side of those childless couples. Now, add LQBTQ+ in there- birthrates would significantly drop (and have) even more. Which isn't the end of the world, it's just that it's a bit of a problem. 

Um, although we are humans, and we are def a sparklesspecialsparkles type of species, and although to us, life isn't all about reproducing, nature says otherwise. The whole idea and goal in nature is to reproduce. Even Darwin thinks so in his laws of Natural Selection!! Those who can reproduce and pass on favorable traits are the type who will survive- those who cannot reproduce, or those who do and pass on their unfavorable traits, will become very rare to come across, and may possibly even face extinction in the future. 

Your right, Ig- "love is love." But what type of love are we talking about?? I don't love my mum or my friends like I love my bf- but I love them so much, but yk, not in the same way I love him. I think some people of the LGBTQ+ community may be confused as to what love they are actually feeling... You picking up what I'm putting down?? 

Idek if children should be exposed to LGBTQ+ at a young age... They're not even old enough to know about those things!! So why should they be learning about anything with adult topics in it?? We shouldn't be influencing these kids at such a young age. When they get to be teens, I still don't entirely agree, but fine, they are becoming young adults who can make decisions and think for themselves, so if they would like to become a part of that community, fine!! That's between you and your family, not me. But until we get to that age, kids shouldn't even be exposed to it- there are so many awful things down that road (even in straight culture, thus the reason we don't expose them to ANY of these things when they're young- it'll traumatize them). LGBTQ+ def has a large foundation - why expose children to it?? 

Anyways, NobodyImportant, I also see where you're coming from!! Still don't agree, but I see your thinking. I'm also not gonna hate or dislike you at all becuase of this!! You expressed your opinion, just as I expressed mine :) 

by (528k points)
Children should know the truth about people who do hate crimes against LGBTQ, and they should know that just because they see it doesn't mean they have to be it, just like if someone was gay but people were pressuring them to become what THEY wanted them to be. I'm still saying that nobody should hate or judge or not support it just because a book says so, but if someone from the community did something to YOU PERSONALLY, then I can totally agree with you.

Again, that's my opinion, and thanks for voicing yours!

And, even if a person is in an... OTHER type of relationship, they can still get donated the things needed to have a baby. There are more women then there are men anyway, so being a lesbian doesn't really matter, and being a gay person don't matter either! (I know it's the same thing.)

In nature there have been gay couples in different species (like lions)

So it is natural, and nature isn't telling us the reproduction is everything.

Also please don't invalidate people's identities, that's extremely rude. Most lgbt people are not "confused", some may be, but that's no reason to try and invalidate them.

We really don't need more births, out population is rapidly increasing, and there eventually won't be enough room. So it's not really a problem.

However, I do agree that children shouldn't be exposed, to any of it. Straight or lgbt, honestly, they're to young to start falling in love, etc. Though, whether they are a part of the community when they're older, isn't a decision between them and their family. It's a fact, but they decide whether to ignore it or accept it.

(Quick add: It is anatomically correct, maybe not for reproduction, but it is. So, that's not a fact.)
by (147k points)
now we have a 2 essays on why this question has nothing to do with politics. LOL
by (528k points)
by (264k points)
Lol fr!! I'm wayyyyyy to tired to type out anymore of 'em, so Ig nice discussion, muchachos XD
0 votes
God loves us. But what you're saying goes against everything I was taught and everything I learned.

Have you read the Bible ? (Genuine question btw)

I do not want to fight or debate and I will still be your friend. But this goes against my beliefs. When you've got Jesus in your heart everything becomes clearer.

Again I don't want to fight and I still want to be your friend.
by (528k points)
Yay thank you.

I didn't read the bible because I genuinely believe all of that Christian stuff is a method of control.
by (147k points)
by (528k points)
Wait same to this answer or same to me?
by (147k points)
I feel exactly the same way Thalia does- in that I will stick to my beliefs but I don't want to fight about it and I still want to be your friend.
KS, literally took out the core of my answer
by (528k points)
@Thalia lol.

@Esie, I'm glad you'll still be my friend/rivallllll!
by (147k points)
Right back at you! :)

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