+18 votes
in Other by
Hey everyone.

I was just wondering what community question/debate I could ask and this was perfect. Feel free to share your phobias/fears and what they mean! If you don't have any or if you don't know, try googling and doing some research. Anyway, here are mine:

Scopophobia >>> (fear of people staring at you)

Eisoptrophobia and Spectrophobia >>> (fear of mirrors and what is in them)

Anthropophobia >>> (fear of people/society)

Autophobia >>> (fear of being alone/loneliness)

Agoraphobia >>>> (fear of open spaces and crowds)


Reading my phobias back to myself is a wakeup call. I literally just have every form of social anxiety and of how I look :l

Anyway, what are yours? :)

- Dino (he/they)

This is just depressing xD

Edit: We just hit 200 views! Thank you so much, everyone! Can we hit 500? :O

Wow, 10 upvotes and 23 answers?!

This post absolutely blew up, thank you everyone :)

- Dino (he/they)
by (71.3k points)
11 upvotes now
I’m not really afraid of the dark. I’m just afraid of what’s lurking in the dark…

Also what people think of me and spiders… (mostly bugs. Hen I was younger I was terrified of flies)
by (730 points)

the phobias I have is Achluophobia, Acrophobia, Aerophobia, Algophobia, Agoraphobia, Aichmophobia, Androphobia, Anthropophobia, Arachnophobia, Astraphobia, Astrophobia, Ataxophobia, Atelophobia, Atychiphobia, Automatonophobia, Autophobia, Belonephobia, Cacophobia, Claustrophobia, Climacophobia, Coulrophobia, Cynophobil, Daemonophobia, Decidophobia, Dentophobia, Entomophobia, Erotophobia, Glossophobia, Hemophobia, Hypochondria, Hydrophobia, Iatrophobia, Insectophobia, Lilapsophobia, Lockiophobia,  Necrophobia, Noctiphobia, Nosocomephobia, Nyctophobia, Obesophobia, Pathophobia, Philematophobia, Philophobia, Scoptophobia, Thalassophobia, Tonitrophobia, Trypanophobia, and Trypophobia.

52 Answers

+1 vote
by (130k points)
Autophobia, (really BAD autophobia), and also Eisoptrophobia and spectrophobia.
+1 vote
by (543k points)
Umm really.

Minecraft as a tag? Don't do that unless the post is MC related
+2 votes
by (154k points)

Don’t think I have a phobia per say but I hate and fear crickets/grasshoppers/katydids. Absolutely nasty, creepy and scary to me. I also fear the dark a bit.

I don’t think it’s called a phobia if you just fear it, but if it’s fear like the definition then it definitely is.

(Update: I might actually have a mild phobia of barf.)
Definition of phobia for anyone confused:
phobia (from the Greekφόβος) is a strong fear about a specific thing or situation. In psychology, phobia is considered an anxiety disorder. Phobia is different than just being scared of something. The fear is so strong that it affects, and often damages, the sufferer's life. For example, the person will usually do everything they can to avoid the thing they fear. If they cannot avoid that thing, they will suffer from very strong anxiety which can damage their social relationships, their ability to work, and other areas of their everyday life.

+1 vote
Acrophobia. Fear of heights.

Aracniphobia. Fear of spiders.

Nyctophobia. Fear of the dark.

Autophobia/monophobia. Fear of being alone.

Pure anxiety.

Seperation anxiety.

Pretttyyyy sure thats all idk :D But when my mom left the house once when i was younger i had a MELTDOWN lol- sooo- seperation anxiety and autophobia most DEFINATELEH
by (130k points)
Ok basically I have all those:(
+1 vote
by (1.0k points)
I'm agoraphobic.
+1 vote
by (212k points)
-Hemophobia (fear of blood) but its gotten better

-Fear of death

-Fear of water I cant touch the bottom with my feet

I dont like people looking at me but idk if thats really a phobia
by (130k points)
Yup yup yup me too (fear of water I cant touch the bottom with my feet)
by (212k points)
yea it sucks
+1 vote
by (147k points)

I'm pretty sure, anyways..
+1 vote
by (270 points)
.I have a fear of sleeping in new places alone
+1 vote
by (28.8k points)
I have a lot but the strangest one and my biggest fear is lams yep lams when I was like 2 or 3 I had a dream that a stuffed lam came alive and it did this either every year or every few years and it ate my mom's fingers my dad's arms and either my sisters head or legs and now it was coming for me keep in mind I was 2 or 3 and ever since I have been TERRIFIED of lams
+1 vote
by (543k points)
Fear of jumpy doggos

Fear of thunder
by (543k points)
and public speaking
by (270 points)
Try thinking of thunder like sound effects. I used to get scared by thunder but now I imagine I am listening to a soundtrack

Also, Jumping Dogs?!
by (543k points)
idk why.

They just scare me think it's bc I'm worried they will push me over or something not exactly sure why
by (130k points)
Me too once I ended up crying when I was public speaking because I was so shyyy

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