+18 votes
in Other by
Hey everyone.

I was just wondering what community question/debate I could ask and this was perfect. Feel free to share your phobias/fears and what they mean! If you don't have any or if you don't know, try googling and doing some research. Anyway, here are mine:

Scopophobia >>> (fear of people staring at you)

Eisoptrophobia and Spectrophobia >>> (fear of mirrors and what is in them)

Anthropophobia >>> (fear of people/society)

Autophobia >>> (fear of being alone/loneliness)

Agoraphobia >>>> (fear of open spaces and crowds)


Reading my phobias back to myself is a wakeup call. I literally just have every form of social anxiety and of how I look :l

Anyway, what are yours? :)

- Dino (he/they)

This is just depressing xD

Edit: We just hit 200 views! Thank you so much, everyone! Can we hit 500? :O

Wow, 10 upvotes and 23 answers?!

This post absolutely blew up, thank you everyone :)

- Dino (he/they)
by (71.3k points)
11 upvotes now
I’m not really afraid of the dark. I’m just afraid of what’s lurking in the dark…

Also what people think of me and spiders… (mostly bugs. Hen I was younger I was terrified of flies)
by (730 points)

the phobias I have is Achluophobia, Acrophobia, Aerophobia, Algophobia, Agoraphobia, Aichmophobia, Androphobia, Anthropophobia, Arachnophobia, Astraphobia, Astrophobia, Ataxophobia, Atelophobia, Atychiphobia, Automatonophobia, Autophobia, Belonephobia, Cacophobia, Claustrophobia, Climacophobia, Coulrophobia, Cynophobil, Daemonophobia, Decidophobia, Dentophobia, Entomophobia, Erotophobia, Glossophobia, Hemophobia, Hypochondria, Hydrophobia, Iatrophobia, Insectophobia, Lilapsophobia, Lockiophobia,  Necrophobia, Noctiphobia, Nosocomephobia, Nyctophobia, Obesophobia, Pathophobia, Philematophobia, Philophobia, Scoptophobia, Thalassophobia, Tonitrophobia, Trypanophobia, and Trypophobia.

52 Answers

+2 votes
Really bad fear of the dark. I can't fall asleep without a nightlight.
+2 votes
Im not really scared of anything to be honest

I guess that's a good thing?
+1 vote
by (541k points)
Mild claustrophobia
+2 votes
I don't really have any phobias but I do have intense separation anxiety. Especially with my grandma.
+2 votes
Im not really scared of anything, but I am scared of fear. Like when I get scared of something or feel spooked I have panic attacks sometimes. Not because of the thing that scared me, by because of the fear itself. I hate the feeling.
+2 votes
Really bad scopophobia.
+2 votes
Literally a horrifying fear of small spaces, so claustrophobia. I have nightmares about them sometimes.
+2 votes
by (98.3k points)
Coasterphobia- the coaster itself doesn't scare me but the feeling

Embarrassment phobia

Hate it

Cacophobia fear of being ugly


+2 votes
Fear of spiders and fear of falling. They're both really common, but still.
+2 votes
by (2.1k points)
I have a phobia of dogs  (even tho they are real cute)
by (541k points)

Glad I'm not the only one here!

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