+5 votes
in Dino's Blog by

Hey everyone. 

This is going to be a bit more of a serious post. I'm not in the best mood right now, seeing as I just woke up to find a post made by a friend of mine on this site saying they don't like furries and that they are weird. As a furry, I was very hurt by this. I will keep the person's identity a secret as to not cause drama, but I just felt I needed to explain something. To this person: No, I am not angry at you, and I don't really care that you find us weird, but I just wanted to explain the real definition of a furry for you.

Furries are people who are fascinated by anthropomorphic animals. Think of Mickey Mouse or Hello Kitty. Both are anthropomorphic animals, aka furries. The internet has made up so many lies and rumors and has made it so that 99% of people hate us for simply existing. Now, the community does have some weirdos, but doesn't every community? Every community has some people who are weird and not welcome. Its no different with the furry fandom. 

Some furries make costumes for fun and to show off at cons. Its the same as cosplaying, except we cosplay animals. We dont do anything gross or adult, we don't bark at people, we don't do it because we 'like animals' or because 'we think we are animals', and we certainly don't do it because we are weird or mentally sick. 

Furries get sent unalive threats every day. Some of us even take our lives because the hate we get is so bad. All we do is exist. I could go on and on about the hate I've received, but I wont. 

Either way, if you hate or dislike something, keep it to yourself. You don't have to like furries. If you don't, that's 100% okay, just don't go around hating on us and sending us rude messages. You never know how much that can hurt someone. 

Thank you all for reading :)

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)

Also, if you know who this person is, please don't harass them. I just want to make that clear. I am in NO way trying to start any drama or spread any hate.

Thanks :)

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)

7 Answers

0 votes
by (112k points)
by (527k points)
It's okay, it's okay. I believe you :)
0 votes
by (216k points)
*sending hug*

*hug sent :)*

im sorry u had to go through that. it sucks when friends are mean. and also, i dont think anything bad of furries, just making that clear
+2 votes
by (131k points)
I 100% agree! I am not one myself, but I like furries:D
+2 votes
by (13.7k points)
Personally, I like furries :3 I think im oneā€¦
Aw, that's amazing! Despite all the hate furries receive, being one is actually quite fun and I reccomend highly xD

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)
+2 votes
by (546k points)
I don't mind them.

BUT, I really don't care what someone is as long as it isn't a MC hater
+2 votes
by (527k points)
*kneels down*

I salute you.

*sends little virtual hug and little virtual pack of cookies*

Tysm, Nobi :D

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)
+2 votes
by (98.5k points)
And we all said amen

I'm sorry you want through that.
Thank you so much, Owl :)

You are very kind.

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)
by (98.5k points)
No problem dino!


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