+6 votes
in Fiction by
Disclaimer: Something is happening to my screen on KT, so im not able to see what I'm typing. If there are any typos in this it is because of that. Thanks!

Contains mentions of blood/gore and abuse. KT, this story is for educational purposes and is to teach others about abuse relationships, thanks. Enjoy!


I peered through the hole, only to be greeted by pure, leering darkness. Typical, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. However, something kept pulling me towards that gap in the wall. It was important somehow, I could just feel it.

I grabbed my stalactite and began chiseling selling away at the hole until it was about the same size as a small child. My head was able to fit through now, and I could see a small bit of light. I continued cutting away at the wall, bit by bit.

I had no fear of the spiders discovering me, because they never came near me. Why would they? Whenever they needed me for chores or dinner, they just screamed and I came to them. Pathetic, I know, but that was how I'd been living for the past 13 years, so I was used to it by now.

I must have been there for hours, cutting away at the rocky wall. It was a dull, boring job, and I was dead tired, but I had a potential ticket to freedom, and I wasn't going to give that up now. I slowly noticed that the darkness was getting brighter every minute, and I could see what I now realize were stars in the pale magenta horizon. I almost screamed from joy, but that would have immedietely alerted the family of my actions, and they would literally murder me.

The hole was now the size of a large boulder, and I knew I could easily squeeze out. Suddenly, I heard a hiss from behind me as the mother spider spotted me and crawled closer, her head was almost hanging off of her neck as she inched towards me.

I don't know what it is in me that told me to run, but I did. I ran faster than I ever had before, not that living in a cave for a decade gave me much time to stretch my legs. The sky was brightening, and I could see thin green strands beneath my feet, but I didn't stop for a moment.

I saw mountains and valleys, trees and grass, and the sky. I had never seen the sky before, nor anything even remotely similar, but I wanted to soak up every moment of it.

My excitement and happiness was short-lived, however, as a voice said, "You have a minute to move before I stab you to death."


I hope y'all enjoyed my 2 minutes of reading lol. I won't be able to post many other chapters this weekend, I'll be busy, but I will certainly try. Also, I know I've already mentioned this but what harm comes from mentioning it again, this story is sort of a test-run. I've never written anything before, nor did I expect to, but here we are!

- Dino

2 Answers

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0 votes
by (505k points)

This is so great that my eyeballs literally REFUSE to observe anything if it is not this right here.


I'm just


I can't

*just stops*


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