+4 votes
in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/232380/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-fanfic-chapter-8


Chapter 7

Charlie blinked open his eyes.

He was in a strange place. A fresh snow coated his surroundings like the oil on a duck's feathers, and cold air chilled him, even through the insulating space suit. He looked around. No one else seemed to be there...

Rubbing his back, he stood up, ignoring the cramps, and walked around. "Brittany? Alph? ... Someone?"

Not a sound could be heard, save for the howls of the wind and crunch of the snow. Worry and panic began to worm through Charlie's body, and he pulled out his KopPad to try and contact the Drake.

But it was no use - the device just kept ringing and ringing, until he grew sick of the noise and gave up. Sighing, he decided to look around a bit more, just in case. But then he turned a corner, and froze.

Creatures. A bunch of them. They were almost his height, with leaves growing from their heads, pointy ears, and bright yellow skin. For a moment, he went unnoticed; then, one caught sight of him, and then all of them stared eerily.

Charlie backed away, trying not to provoke them, when an idea popped into his head. *The whistle! I might be able to scare them off!* Taking a deep breath, he whistled as hard as he could in their general direction, silently praying for the noise to alarm them.

It worked - they were indeed alarmed - but it also failed. The beasts instead ran towards him, squeaking excitedly. "Get back!" he sputtered, grabbing one by the stalk and throwing it away from him. It let out an excited cry as it flew through the air, then landed on an unnaturally large mushroom and began beating it with its head until it exploded. The others just continued to watch him.

He paused, thinking, then threw another at a second mushroom. It had an almost identical reaction. *Hm. Maybe these creatures aren't aggressive... I have an idea!* He turned to a massive mushroom cluster behind him and whistled twice at it. The yellow creatures started and ran towards the mushrooms, attaching them. Eventually, the whole group was gone, giving Charlie a way out. He called his new companions together and continued walking.

They eventually reached an enormous stick that hung over a wide, rushing river. On the other side was a dark and ominous cave. Charlie carefully walked across, constantly checking behind him to make sure none of his allies had fallen. He had to admit, he'd grown attached to them rather quickly.

Crossing was rather quick. They were soon inside the gloomy cave, and he could hardly see a thing. He stumbled and brushed against a strange mushroom which began to glow neon blue.

Something shrieked nearby. He turned and saw a group of ugly brown creatures attacking the yellow things. Alarmed, he started throwing the nearby ones at the enemies, which quickly buckled under their blows. Eventually, all of them were lying on the floor, hopefully dead. He sighed in relief.

However, as he marched forward, the sound of beating wings caught his attention. Somewhere in the darkness, a shadow moved. He felt something behind him and whipped around, only to see a thick stone wall.

The yellow things squeaked with fear and ran. Charlie looked over his shoulder and froze as an enormous beast flew towards him, jaws open wide.


Cliffhanger! (Don't worry, Charlie is fine. We won't hear from him for a while, though...)

This was pretty bad lol :P

If you have any questions about what's going on, please ask! I'm very aware that not everyone knows what Pikmin is.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (295k points)

i love it so far!! x3
by (6.0k points)
Thanks! I love seeing people enjoy my work <3
0 votes
by (519k points)

Nah, I read up on Pikmin a little after you started this great series. I am aware that they crashed here, but I wonder what the yellow things are...

Also, yes, he better be fine or else I'm suing x3

by (6.0k points)
Yellow Pikmin, they just don't get formally introduced here (wait no don't sue he's alright he just got gobbled)
by (519k points)

I won't sue this time >:]

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