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in Minecraft Stories by (546k points)

When he got there, the people led him right in. 

When Steve saw the inside, he asked “Umm where will I be staying? I only see a bunch of tables at different angles.”

One of the people said “Steve! Everyone that has to have PvP things tested on them are housed in the kindest places. We’ll show you in a few minutes once we show you where you’ll meet us tomorrow!” and showed Steve to a na=early vertical table. 

They said “Meet us here tomorrow at 7:30 A.M! Did you bring anyone else with you because the house is determined by if you brought anyone or not and how many people you brought.”

“I brought one person.”

They said “Come on with us. We’ll show you to your containing facility!”

“Don’t you mean my house?”

“Yeah sure whatever”

Steve was a bit suspicious but didn't think anything of it.

Steve then showed them to his car and Alex got out.

 The tour guides showed Steve and Alex to a tiny dirt hut and said “There  are two beds but one is for kids. You can fight over who gets each bed. Bye! Oh yeah and breakfast is delivered at 7:20!”

Steve nodded and said “I guess I won’t be able to eat.”

The people said “Oh and you have to eat your entire serving of breakfast or you’ll be sent to the cramped house.”

“Even more cramped than these houses?!”

They said “Steve, there is hope to get a better house… if you survive all the tests we do in the first three days.”

Steve nodded and said “Can you leave so I can have my beauty sleep.”

The people said “Nope! You have to have a shower! You too, girl!”

Steve got shown to the showers where there was a huge line to use it.

When Steve was finally up, it was nearly 10:00. Steve quickly had a shower and changed into his PJs. After he was done showering, Alex was up, she quickly had a shower and changed into her PJs. They then went back to the house.

Once there, Alex said “Steve, you can get the adult bed. I can sleep in any bed as long as it isn’t made of stone” and chuckled. 

Steve said “Okay, I assume you want to alternate every night.”



Steve then laid in his bed and went to sleep. The next morning when he woke up, it was 7:15. 

He got dressed quickly before Alex could wake up. Sadly. Just when he was getting done, breakfast arrived. 

He quickly ate his breakfast and headed to the place where the people told Steve to meet them.

The people looked at Steve when he got there and said “Steve, you’re a little early. People usually arrive late for the first few days.”

Steve quickly mouthed I don’t want to be in more trouble with the council than I already am.

The people said “Steve, you may talk to us as long as it isn’t complaining. But, we really admire how much you stick to the rules of PvP”

Steve said “Yeah. So, what’s the first test?”

“Oh we test a PvP wand model on you. You get to pick the model out from model three, four or five.”

Steve said “Three”

The people grabbed a PvP wand and used it on Steve.

Steve lost six of his health. 

The people who tested it said “Now potions. You pick wither, poison or harming.”


They splashed a poison potion on Steve. Steve lost three of his health.

At the end of the third day Steve hadn’t died once. 

The people said “Steve, your house gets updated. Come with us to your old house to pick up your things. Steve went back to his house and packed up all his things.

Steve got led to a house that was about quadruple the size of a villager house. 

The people said “Now Steve, you get seven weeks off a year.”

When Steve got back to his village, he was mortified to find it was pretty much just a hole in the ground. 

Carol came out of the house and said “Steve, I’m so terribly sorry-”

“For what? My villagers are in the bunker right?”

“Yes, but your precious village is now just a hole in the ground!”
Steve said “I may be able to rebuild it”

Six and a half weeks later, he had rebuilt the village and showed the villagers to their new homes. 

All the villagers said “Thanks.”

The medic said “Steve, come with me. I have some news about Kathy.”

Steve said “She’s just a pile of dust. Right?”

The medic said “Sadly it’s much worse”

“What could be worse?!”

“She’s…. In little chunks. The griefers got to her. I’m sorry the whole village did everything we could to save her. In fact, five villagers gave their LIFE in hopes of saving her but, sadly it wasn’t enough.”

Steve said “Goodbye! I’ll never come back here!”

Carol came out and said “Steve, I do have Kathy’s last clump of dust for the respawn ceremony”

Steve said “What do you mean? I thought she got blown to pieces!”

The medic said “Fine! I admit it! I lied. I wanted you to feel guilty for leaving us!”

Then Kathy came out and said “Steve! I missed you so much! I’ve been respawned for a little bit”

Alex said “Steve! The news team is at your door” 

Steve ran to his house and said “Sorry I’m late. I was just catching up with my villagers and friends.”

The news team said “Steven Stonecutter. What does this note say?”

Steve says “Oh that, that says I’m at the PvP testing lab. Go there and find me if you need me.”

“Why are you staying there?”

“I reminded them that no greifer past or current can be a PvP legend and when they asked for my certificates, I kept one in my pocket.”

The news team says “How does it feel to be a PvP reject?”


“You know you’re the first person that has had a fall from grace that we interviewed. How does that feel? 

“Well… it makes me feel a bit better.”

“How are you holding up at the testing lab?”

“Pretty good. I have like 20 scars on my arms alone. I guess it’s kind of a relief to know I’ve quit before I could die by doing a battle when I’m too old”

“Did you realize you were one big game away from the game of champions?”

Steve fell to the ground and wailed “Why did I have to remind them of the greifers rule?! Now I’ll never make it to the hall of champions!” and pounded the ground

The news team said “You know we can’t crop this out. This is live.”

“I know.” and slowly stood up.

“Okay Steve, we understand. This must be extremely hard for you. Maybe if you don't act all upset again… they may reinstate your arena to you.”

Steve started to sob and said “I’m afraid it’s not that simple! I’m not on the legends list anymore!”

The news team’s jaws all dropped and another one of them came in and said “This is only the second time in history that has happened! The first was hundreds of years ago when Elyza Stonecutter broke the only rules of PvP at the time; never use enchanted armor and always do your special move.”

Steve said “Really? My great great great great great great grandma had her PvP legend title revoked too?”

“Yes. She had to go into the pit of slimes in hardcore.”

Steve breathed heavily and said “Can I please tell the PvP council something?”

The news team nodded.

Steve said “Attention PvP council, Steven Stonecutter is going to the creeper pit in hard mode forever unless you reinstate my rank”

The news team said “Steve! You know the council doesn’t ever reinstate a legend!”

Steve said “Sorry, I just forgot.”

The news team said “What would you like your last words on this station to be?”


“There we have it huh?”

“Wait! What?! Why?! Won’t you be interviewing me again?”

“Nope. What would you like your last words to be?”

“Well… I guess my last words will be…I will never quit PvP as long as it’s in my heart!”

The news team said “Umm Steve. Do you want to try again? You could get in serious trouble for ending on that…. Or even saying that! You better hope to high Aether that nobody from the PvP council watched that!”

Steve said “Fine! My last words on here are I will never really retire as long as people remember my battles!”

“Still you could get in trouble for that”

“Umm I may have retired but I’ll always remember my glory days as a young PvP legend.”

The team said “That’s much better!”

Steve nodded and gave a thumbs up.

The news team said “There we have it, Steve's last words on here are ‘I may have retired but I’ll always remember my glory days as a young PvP legend’ goodnight!”

Steve sighed heavily and said “I have to go back now.”

Alex got in Steve’s car and Steve went back to the testing lab.

The people said “Steve! We saw the interview with the news team you just had! You have to be bumped up in danger a little”

Alex ran out from behind a wall and said “You will not test any more things on my Stevie without asking me first!” an stood between Steve and the testers.

Steve glared at Alex and yelled “Alex! What are you doing here?! Don’t you know if you’re in here and you aren’t certified to use newly released PvP tools, you’ll have the PvP supplies tested on you! And now you’ll have the supplies tested on you! And you don’t have the body to survive seven tests a day having been in way less battles than I have!”

The people said “Alex was it? You’re coming with us!” 

Steve said “What did I tell you?”

They said “Also Steve, come with her!”

Steve said “Now you’ve done it Alex! We’re probably going to be sent to the hostile mob pit in hardcore now! Before I die, I want you to be mine for whatever little time we have left together. Alex, will you be mine?”

Alex said “Yes Steve! I’ve wanted you ever since Minecraft dungeons but never had the guts to ask you.”

The people said “Steve, Alex. You get  THREE days off for your wedding!”

Steve said “I need at least five!” 

“Nope! Only three!”

Steve nodded and said “Okay. Are we allowed to leave the premises?”


Steve said “I guess it’ll be just us”

The people said “Nope! Everyone who lives or works here will come!”

Steve said “I guess I have to.” 

A few days later, Alex and Steve were officially together.

Right after the wedding, Alex and Steve went right to their house and went to their bedroom. 

Alex said “Steve,I know we only get one more day off; but, you want to go back to your village?”

“We won’t make it back on time!”

“Well… I could take your place for a couple days”

“Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get in for that?! I could be put in the starvation chamber in Hardcore!”

Alex said “So? That doesn’t sound too bad.”

Steve rolled his eyes and said “You try going for a week without food and then tell me what you think then!”

“Honey and chorus fruit included?”


“Okay Steve. How can you make sure they don’t deliver food to me every day?”

Steve said “No! There is a starvation pit at every one of the testing labs.Griefing, PvP, building, redstone and mob combat”

Alex said “Will food spawn in there for me?”

“Due to my understanding.”

Alex said “Okay, I’ll volunteer”

Steve said “It doesn’t work that way! To be stuck in there you need to do something like stand between someone that works here and someone the tools are being tested on three times”

Alex said “Are you sure?”

Then some of the people that worked at the testing lab came to Steve’s house and knocked on the door. Steve rushed down. 

One of the people said “Steven Stonecutter, you have been the first one to be selected for the new and improved starvation pit. You’ll stay there for a week. Unless you know someone who wants to do it instead of you. It’ll start tomorrow!”

“Alex wants to.”

“They have to work for us. A starvation pit is something not for the weak!”

Alex came down and said “I want to be thrown into the pit with Steve!”

The people nodded and left.

Steve yelled “Alex! What did you do?!”

“I thought I volunteered myself did I not?”

“Yeah and ME! I knew this wouldn’t work! I should’ve stuck with Carol!”

\The next day, Steve and Alex got thrown into the starvation pit about five hours later, a sheep spawned Steve quickly grabbed a sword in an item frame on the wall and swung at it but it just went through. He tried again then a piece of mutton dropped and Steve dropped the sword to the ground and picked it up…well… tried anyway. He couldn't pick it up. He kept trying for five minutes. Then the mutton  vanished. The process kept repeating for thre days with different mobs until eventually Steve couldn’t take it anymore. 

He said “Alex, I’m sorry about this.” and attacked Alex.

Alex said “Geez Steve, if it’s food you’re after I do have three sweet berries.”

Alex reached into her inventory and pulled out the sweet berries.

Steve tried to grab them but kept missing.

After ten minutes of Steve trying Alex said “Steve. Just put your hand out. I’ll give them to you.”

And dropped the berries into Steve’s hand.

Steve said “Anything else?” Immediately after the sweet berries were sucked up. 

Alex said “I’m sorry, that was all I had other than this potato” and pulled out a potato and immediately it got sucked up.

Four days later when they were finally let out, Steve had eaten eight blocks of dirt. 

When they climbed out, the people that put Steve in there said “Well Alex you passed; Steve on the other hand… ate dirt meaning he has to restart!”

Alex said “I will not put my Stevie-nugget through that again without me!”

They said “Are you sure Alex? You’ll miss out on a feast in honor of you making it a week without eating.” enticingly.

Alex said “Yes I’m sure! May you make it less hard for Steve this time?”

“Nope! Steve! Get back in there!”

“Steve whined “Can’t I at least have some decent food? I haven’t eaten in what feels like ages!”

The people said “Nope, but Alex can have any food she wants now.”

Alex said “I want two steaks to make me full”

Steve said “Typical Alex! Doesn’t think about anyone’s hunger other than her own!”

Alex said “Steve, trust me! I know what I’m doing!”

The people said “Steve! You’ve got to go back in the pit. This time it’ll be more intense!” 

Alex said “Can’t he just watch me eat my steaks?”

“Yes!”and handed Alex two steaks.

Alex said “Steve, hold my hand behind your back!”


“Just Do it!”

Steve held Alex’s hand behind his back and Alex dropped a steak into his hand. 

Steve quickly turned around with Alex and did a countdown and they both started to eat their steaks.

The people didn’t figure out Steve had eaten one until Steve said “Oh my gosh! I’ve never had a steak that tasted so good in my WHOLE LIFE!”

The people who gave Alex the steaks said “Alex you broke the rule! You can’t give food to people who didn’t successfully complete the hunger pit until they do and Steve you also know not to accept food from anyone who completed the hunger pit! Both of you are now trapped in there for TWO weeks”

Alex said “That’s a bit much isn’t it?”

Steve said “Alex! Don’t make things worse for us!”

Alex said “Sorry Steve.”

The people said “Now it’s two and a half weeks!”

Alex said “Steve, I’ll coat the dirt blocks in wither potion so you won’t eat them, got it?”

The people said “Get back in there now!”

Steve and Alex slowly climbed back in the starvation pit.

When Steve entered the pit, Alex said “Steve, I’m so sorry I made this last more than double the amount it was last time. The guilt will forever haunt me.”

Steve said “It’s okay. BUT, it’ll take me a long time to completely forgive you!”

Alex said “Steve! I gave you one of my steaks!”

“Yeah and you made it so we can’t eat for TWO AND A HALF WEEKS!”


Steve said “Just tell me as many stories as you can and when you run out,  I’ll tell you all I can think of”

“Okay. Or w could write out stories then tell each other them”

“Yeah, that’s much better”

“Let’s begin”

Alex and Steve pulled out their pen and paper and began to write Steve’s first story was: one time there was a rabbit that loved cupcakes. The bunny lived in a meteor. One day the bunny saw a flower and ate it. He loved it. Then the meteor crashed into a rainbow. The bunny was finally on Minecraftia. Then the bunny found an owner who loved Minecraft. The owner was named Alex. Alex fed the bunny flowers and cupcakes every day and they lived happily ever after.

Steve shared it with Alex. And by the ned of the two and a half weeks, thety had written a total of 25 stories each.

The people who put Steve and Alex in the pit let them out, Steve quickly climbed out and said “I did it! Where’s my feast?!” 

Alex said “Yeah!” 

The people said “We’ll have it tonight! And Steve, good job. Most people with your build don’t make it over a week. They are often so desperate they eat whatever they can from their inventory.”

Steve said “Are you calling me FAT?!”

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